A blog is as interesting as the interest shown in others. A blog is a contraction of the term 'weblog', is a type of website. The word 'blogging' means maintaining or adding content to a blog. There are several types of blogs such as art log which focus on art, photo blog (photographs), sketches (sketch blog), vlog (videos), music (MP3 blog) and many more. ''Blogging isn't about publishing as much as you can. It's about publishing as smart as you can'' (~Jon Morrow) The personal blog is the most common type of blog. A blog which comprises link is called a link blog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumble blogs. Blogs may focus on particular subject/topic, giving rise to political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs, fashion blogs, music blogs and etc. The collective community of all blogs is known as the blogosphere. There are blog search engines to search blog contents. These include Blog lines, Blog Scope and Technocra...